Ginkgo Plus from Kingz Care


You want to increase the capacity of your brain and become the best?

Then you should train your brain with Steve, because he gives your body and mind more energy than any other B12 vitamin supplement currently available on the market.

Ginkgo Plus from Kingz Care is the only preparation with the combination of vitamin B12, Ginkgo and zinc: 3 coordinated active ingredients that are essential for nerve, brain and cell metabolism.

They contribute to an improvement in general well-being and provide power reserves, as well as support for concentration and performance. Non-specific symptoms such as easy fatigue, exhaustion, lack of drive and lack of concentration are signs of a vitamin B12 deficiency.

Especially in stressful times and with an unbalanced diet, a supply is particularly important. Because vitamin B12 is involved in numerous metabolic processes, helps the body to form blood and supports cell division. It is also involved in nerve formation and the production of messenger substances.


History of the origin of Ginkgo Plus

At the age of 21, after dozens of conversations with pharmacists and doctors, Taifun Kemerci came across various drugs and medicines when he was looking for performance-enhancing and concentration-enhancing drugs, so that in the end he no longer knew exactly which drug was the most reliable. But what he knew exactly was that, given the extremely high demands at the elite university and the high workload, it would not be possible without it.

In order to be able to successfully master his university degree, he somehow had to keep his concentration at a high level and he was willing to spend money on it. From lecithin over glutamine to special types of herbs, he tried out everything possible over the years until he finally found out that there are no really good products on the market and that to increase concentration and performance, the combined intake of certain vitamins and roots is required. Years passed before he finally came up with the idea of ​​combining these combined vitamins and roots and launching them on the market as a new vitamin preparation that increases performance and concentration as needed.

What finally emerged from this is the entire Kingz & Queenz Care range, in particular the Ginkgo Plus Edition, which ultimately consists of exactly the vitamins and roots to which Taifun Kemerci owes his university degree and his entire career: vitamin B12, ginkgo and zinc. Vitamins that ultimately matter and that help the human body and mind enormously to control and concentrate.




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